Zack McCauley - WardsParadox

Hi, I’m a macadmin for a school district in Montana. Never stop learning.

TIL 03 -- Get Model Info via Python via Serial

A while back I learned about this website, Apple Config Code Lookup, when I was building my first info grab script for an inventory. I have since evolved that script into a full Info Viewer (inventory is done via MunkiReport-PHP). One thing I was always missing was the output from the Apple Config Code Lookup; since I am migrating most of my shell scripts to Python, I figured I might as well add it. Continue reading

TIL 02 - Multiple Inputs For One Argument

I use a tool called Outset Dock Profiler made by Nick McSpadden. It's great and for user accounts where I only need to target one profile, it works great! {% icon fa-thumbs-o-up fg-lg >}} There has always been one thing about it that bothered me. If I had multiple profiles for a user, I couldn't use this tool. Sure I could use it to build an initial package and modify the script. Continue reading

TIL 01 - Get a OS X Preference via python

As I am trying to learn more of the Python programming language (version 2.7.* as that is what is currently built-in to OS X), I find little challenges to help process what I have learned of it. Recently I was introduced to the Foundation frameworks that come with OS X. For a while I was writing scripts that required plistlib which could only read the XML version of a plist. OS X stores preferences in binary plist form. Continue reading

TIL 00 - Welcome to Today I Learned

Welcome to a series called Today I Learned. This is a series primarily dedicated to documenting things I've learned. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoy or learn something as well!